Retrieve Capture Wallets

We can interact the Verify Capture Token endpoint and parse the response to retrieve the Capture wallets. The endpoint is a useful tool that allows users to retrieve their Capture wallets. This endpoint enables users to access and manage their Asset and Integrity wallets, providing them with the necessary information for managing their crypto assets and NFTs within the Capture ecosystem.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: token <capture-token>' | jq '.user_wallet'

Response sample

  "asset_wallet": "0x29e467Cc273AA94CAD88dB4acead4F38b2075521",
  "asset_wallet_num": "3.089975119133574007",
  "integrity_wallet": "0x1905c2f4103330f583807547c81ebeE1E7856B11",
  "integrity_wallet_num": "1",
  "points": "159.8",
  "num_wallet_name": "asset_wallet",
  "billed_num": "0"

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