Account & Wallet

Can I update my profile image, username, biography or website url in Capture?

Currently users can update profile image and user name. We are working on providing other features which allow users build a more personalized profile. Please stay tuned.

What is the subscription plan for Capture?

If you subscribe to a monthly plan through Capture Dashboard, you receive various benefits based on the plan you choose. Please check the detailed offers here: Capture Pricing.

If you cancel your subscription, you will stop receiving new benefits, and the existing benefits (including NUM credits received during the subscription period) will expire 30 days after being received.

Can I purchase more NUM credits without subscribing to Capture?

Yes, you can purchase more credits on a pay-as-you-go plan in Capture Dashboard or using In-App purchase in Capture Cam.

Can I delete my Capture account?

Users can delete their Capture account by going to โ€œSettingโ€ and then โ€œDelete accountโ€ or use the delete API. Before deletion, please make sure to back-up the integrity wallet, private keys and all media assets. If you are not sure about the result, please contact [email protected] before delete.

Does Capture utlize NUM to facilitate its transactions?

As Numbers Ecosystem application, Capture products (Cam, Dashboard, API) use NUM to facitiate digital media registration, NFT miniting and other network actions. If you don't have NUM already, you can buy it from our partner exchanges listed here.

If you already have NUM in one of the supported blockchain and want to bridge it to another chain, please refer to this page.

Can I just use CEX to bridge my NUM

Yes! You can deposit and withdraw NUM on the chain you want via Centralized Exchange, currently the exchange that support multiple chain of NUM is, Lbank & HTX.

Last updated