Metadata & C2PA

What is Metadata and how is it relevant to Capture?

Metadata is the data that represents the created digital media. In the context of Capture, metadata includes things like who the owner is, what is the license, where the creation was created, creation time, and how it was created. This information is relevant because understanding the context of the creation allows the media file to tell stories, establish credit and fair use, as well as accurately inform audiences. As a provenance solution, creating and maintaining digital media metadata is a primary objective of Capture products.

What is C2PA?

The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) is an initiative by tech leaders to establish standards for verifying the source and integrity of digital content using Provenance Data.

What are the benefits C2PA and how does it establish digital media authenticity and ownership?

C2PA standard allows us establish digital media authenticity and ownership by embedding Provenance Data into digital content. This makes it easier to trace asset origins and detect unauthorized ownership claims and misuse. C2PA has many benefits including creating authenticated digital files, creating tamper-evidence records and bolstering trust and confidence in media.

How does Capture integrate C2PA Provenance Data into registered digital media?

When an asset (image, video, etc.) is registered with Capture (Cam, Dashboard, API), the asset is automatically embedded with C2PA provenance data. We take this a step further by storing the record on-chain to ensure the provenance records are immutable, transparent and accessible.

Why does Capture utilize blockchain technology to store provenance records?

While embedded provenance records is an innovative solution that allows digital media to carry its proofs within itself, these records are extremely fragile. Any adjustments to the file, intentional or unintentional, can result in the loss of these precious records. Provenance requires a more robust solution which blockchain immutable nature provides. Store records on-chain means the records are immutable ensuring the recorded history is unaltered and transparent.

How do I edit the metadata of an asset once it is added to the Numbers blockchain?

The current version of Capture Dashboard allows users to edit the Headline and Caption. You can do this by navigating to the assets folder, clicking on the β€œ...” icon to the right of the filename, and selecting β€œEdit Asset”. You can modify the Headline and Caption fields, and confirming these changes will create a new commit to reflect the adjustments. This process will consume some credits.

For API users, you may use Commit to update the metadata.

Can download C2PA injection of certain asset files?

Both Capture Cam and Capture Dashboard allow users to download C2PA injection assets that are supported in Numbers C2PA API . Please check here for the supported file.

Can the C2PA injection in downloaded assets be removed?

Unfortunately, yes. The C2PA injection in your downloaded file can be removed by other tools. However, with the support of the AI system in the Numbers Verify Engine and blockchain technology, provenance can be restored even if C2PA is removed. The on-chain provenance registered on the Numbers mainnet remains intact. You can still search for the asset on the Numbers Verify Engine using the NID or the image itself to achieve robust and reliable on-chain provenance.

Why can't I download C2PA files on my phone?

Some devices have default browser settings that disable file downloads (eg. Samsung phone). To enable file downloads and ensure you can download C2PA files, you need to change these default settings. Here are the steps to turn off the default value:

  1. Open the built-in browser on your device.

  2. Go to "Settings."

  3. Select "Privacy" or a similar option.

  4. Find an option similar to "Block auto-downloaded content" and disable it.

By following these steps, you will be able to download C2PA files without any issues.

Why can't some C2PA content credential browser extensions work on the Explorer page?

The images shown on the Explorer Home page are thumbnails optimized for loading performance, which do not contain C2PA-injected information. For C2PA validation, you need to access the original file pinned on our IPFS gateway:<Nid>. If the original asset contains C2PA information, you will be able to see it there.

Please note that C2PA-injected files are generated only after the owner selects β€œdownload C2PA” from either Capture Cam or Dashboard. The pinned file will also not contain C2PA if the original photo didn’t have it. This is to respect the creator and preserve content integrity, as C2PA changes the content even if it is invisible to human eyes.

Last updated