Use no-code tools to create and label AI-generated content with C2PA watermark

OpenAI’s recent C2PA and DALL-E 3 integration announcement represents a growing prioritization for content provenance. C2PA (Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity) is an open standard that advocates for digital media to have embedded metadata for verifying its origin and other related information. As one of the leading players of the generative AI space, OpenAI's commitment to adopting the latest metadata standards shifts the focus towards responsible AI and can be a catalyst for other AI platforms to follow suit. Effectively integrating C2PA into existing systems may present challenges, particularly in terms of technical aspects, resources, and adaptation. Fortunately, Capture powered by Numbers Protocol is an accessible, easy-to-use C2PA toolkits specifically designed to alleviate these technical challenges. By utilizing this solution, generative AI companies can seamlessly integrate C2PA standards into their operations without the need to invest heavily in additional resources or infrastructure.

This page discusses in detail how to create and label AI-generated content with C2PA watermark with Capture and Instill no-code AI pipeline platform.


This "How To" leverages Instill AI's AI platform and the Capture solution powered by Numbers Protocol to construct a traceable generative AI pipeline. Before we construct our pipeline, we will need to create accounts with both Capture and Instill AI. Navigate to the Capture Dashboard and Instill AI to create the necessary accounts.

No-Code Generative AI

Instill AI is a no/low code tool that allows users to easily access and create generative AI pipelines using different AI models such as Stable Diffusion or Llama 3. As an added benefit, Numbers Protocol's Blockchain Provenance solution has been integrated as the sole provenance connector. To construct a traceable text-to-image generative AI pipeline, we will navigate to the pipeline constructor and build the pipeline in the following manner:

The above AI pipeline utilizes Instill Model components Stable Diffusion to perform the text-to-image generation. The image is stored along with its metadata inputs (license_name, license_document, creator_name, etc.) onto the Numbers Blockchain. In the end a generated image and its on-chain records are output.

For a full detailed step-by-step break down on how to construct this pipeline, you can refer to this more comprehensive written or video tutorial.

Label AI Generated Content

Instill's pipeline builder doubles as an interactive playground allow us to test the AI pipeline without the need for API request. Simply fill in the fields in the start operator and click 'Run'.

A successful text-to-image creation and registration will result in a final_image and an asset-profile link containing on-chain records. For a full breakdown of how to navigate the asset profile and how to view the on-chain records, please refer to the section titled Viewing Asset Profile in this tutorial or check out this video.

Acquiring the C2PA Labeled Generative AI Image

Capture Dashboard powered by Numbers Protocol provides a simple way to download the C2PA image. For more detailed information on how this is done, you can reference the section titled "Getting C2PA with Capture Dashboard" in this tutorial.

The C2PA labeled image can be acquired with Capture API:



Authorization token <Capture Token>

Replacing the nid API parameter with the nid parameter from the asset profile url link.


nid: bafybeifjrxb7cgu46ptjlpbpqxtcy33izyiqdgmpk73ol6yj3wtrmhyy7e

API Response:

    "cid": bafybeidbcavujewfggsln4bykcqqnmhip6qhz3cq3tqsr72y244qc4finu

Navigating to the url we can see the C2PA labeled image.

For a more detailed breakdown of the verification you can check out this video tutorial.

Verify C2PA contents

We can verify the C2PA contents by navigating to the C2PA Verify site and uploading and C2PA labeled image.

For a more detailed breakdown of the verification you can check out this video tutorial.

Last updated