Customize Capture Eye Display

Capture Eye Widget

Capture Eye is a sophisticated widget designed to integrate seamlessly into your website, providing secure and transparent provenance display and facilitating direct purchases of digital content from creators. For the installation and usage of Capture Eye, see the Capture Eye GitHub repository.

Customizing Your Display

To customize the Capture Eye widget, configure the nit_commit_custom JSON field during asset registration via the POST API. This allows the widget to recognize and display your customized values accurately. The JSON structure should look like this:

    "captureEyeCustom": [
            "field": "AI Model",
            "value": "stable-diffusion-xl",
            "iconSource": "[Your Icon URL Here]"
            "field": "Pipeline",
            "value": "responsible-generative-ai",
            "url": "[Your URL Here]",
            "iconSource": "[Your Icon URL Here]"
    "customizedMetadata": {

Replace [Your Icon URL Here] and [Your URL Here] with your specific details. This configuration ensures that the Capture Eye widget accurately reflects the customized attributes of your digital assets. Below is a asset registration API example with customized Capture Eye display.

curl -s -X POST '' \
     -H "Authorization: token YOUR_CAPTURE_TOKEN" \
     -F 'asset_file=@/tmp/demo.jpg' \
     -F 'meta={
        "proof": {
            "hash": "",
            "mimeType": "",
            "timestamp": ""
        "information": [
                "provider": "Capture API",
                "name": "version",
                "value": "v3"
     }' \
     -F 'caption=This is an example caption.' \
     -F 'headline=This is an example headline.' \
     -F 'nit_commit_custom={
            "captureEyeCustom": [
                    "field": "AI Model",
                    "value": "stable-diffusion-xl",
                    "iconSource": "[Your Icon URL Here]"
                    "field": "Pipeline",
                    "value": "responsible-generative-ai",
                    "url": "[Your URL Here]",
                    "iconSource": "[Your Icon URL Here]"
            "customizedMetadata": {

Last updated